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BECOMING THE AUTHORITY: How To Make 6-Figures Selling Information Products Online (PART 3)

the authority
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In the world of selling digital information products, being the authority in your chosen niche is critical. In this third part of the 6-Figure Series on Selling information Product, we are going to talk about easing your fears when it comes to dominating your niche.


I know by now, some of you might be thinking of how you can become an authority in a niche you barely know.

What if you are teaching a professor? LOL

Well, fret not. In the world of online business, being a PhD holder in anything does not make you an authority. Those certifications you paid hundreds of dollars for counts for nothing when it comes to the world wide web.

What counts is — Information!

When people go to Google or Yahoo or any other search engine out there, what they are looking for is information. It doesn’t matter if it’s coming from the website, blog, or Facebook profile page of a mad man. As long as it solves their immediate problem, they will respect that source and will willingly go back to that platform for similar information, — because they see the giver as an expert.

For example, Tony Robbins became a renowned NLP expert and earned hundreds of millions despite been kicked out of the six-month NLP training course he put in for.

To become an authority in whatever niche you have chosen, what you need to do is to start dishing out problem-solving information to your target audience.


But What If My Audiences Know More Than Me?

Sometimes, you might be grip with the fear that for you to be an authority, you need to know it all, and it will be disastrous to know that your target audience knows more than you think you know.

Everybody has some knowledge they boast off. However, the truth is, nobody knows it all.

In the book called Catch Me If You Can, a famous con artist, Frank Abagnale, a brilliant high school dropout at one point, starts teaching a sociology class at Brigham Young University. Where he teaches the whole semester, and no one ever figures out that he’s not a real teacher.
Later on, when they finally do catch him, the authorities ask, “How in the world did you teach that class? You don’t know anything about advanced sociology.”

He said all he did was to read one chapter of the course guides ahead of the students.

That is a one million dollar secret folks. In the internet world, you really don’t have to become the most knowledgeable person, omnipotent, in your niche topic.

All you have to do is to read one chapter ahead of the people you’re helping. Because there will always be people in the world who are more knowledgable than you.

That’s fine. You can learn from them, but don’t let it stop you from helping others who are below you.

In other words, if you want to become an authority in your chosen niche, you don’t need to be omniscient, you need to know a little bit more than your audience.

I made over $2000 on Shopify E-commerce and dropshipping marketing niche. I can hardly call myself an expert as at the time I made that much (2018). Now, I have grown to become a force in that same niche over time, because I learned through experience with time.

You too can.

Photo by Valario Davis on Unsplash

About Post Author

Samuel Awe

If we haven’t met before, my name is Samuel Awe – a creative entrepreneur with tentacles in brand management, blogging, website development, and strategic business consultations. My astute knowledge and skills honed over the years have made me a successful idea generator and business owner. I am a top blogger at GrowthPad – an online platform dedicated to grooming individuals and business owners to achieve their personal and business objectives, increase sales, scale their business, build their website and increase brand reach.
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